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Satyam On-Line Service Update

2nd Feb 1999      George Penner

Not too long back I trashed Satyam's ISP service, at least as it applied
to Hyderabad.  Here is an up date:

For a while things got worse, in fact really, really bad.  Now there has
been a substantial improvement and even better service seems in the cards.

Despite the frustrations, I have to commend Satyam's response to my
complaints, at least once I was able to get high enough up the executive
chain.  (Their local help lines are still poor).  The higher ups expressed
genuine concern and were able to explain a lot of the problems.  (Many
which originated from sluggish or inept assistance from DOT/VSNL, which
all ISPs are still obliged to link up to.)

I think Satyam ran full tilt into the new Indian consumer who demands what
is promised, and it surprised them. They are scrambling to deliver, which
is a good sign.  

Of course, much of this could have been avoided if there had been a
sufficient beta testing process, and if the inevitable screw ups had
been better anticipated.  Murphy's Law ("Anything that can go wrong,
will go wrong") seems to function to a factor of 10 here, and multiple
backup systems should have been provided.  Truly competent companies
provide results, not excuses.

Anyhow, the service seems on an upswing now.  It is a joy to be able to
log on on the first ring, and to hardly ever get cut off.  In a few months
Satyam is hoping for their own uplink facilities (Govt. willing) and we
should see service that approaches world class.  We can even hope that
they will change their sign-up CD that sends everyone off to the Satyam
site as soon as they log on.


George Penner
